New Start
Our projects are specifically for people who are declared homeless and 25 and over. We usually take referrals from Croydon and Lambeth Councils, where a less intensive support is required.
Chatfield Housing offers a variety of male and female only accommodation where floating support is given. All our projects are dry, this means no drinking of alcohol or drug taking is allowed on the premises. A Licence Agreement between 6 - 12 months is given to all clients on entering our Hostels that requires them to comply to the house rules (this is reviewed for renewal). Like all other projects each has an elected House Representative that can make representations to the Service Manager.
The specific aims of "Starting New" is to:
- Assist in the smooth transition from rough sleeping to living in supported accommodation
- Offer intensive 2-week support with all benefit forms involved in the process
- Offer advice and guidance in all the skills required for sustaining a successfully tenancy
- Assist in the process of move on into work or independent accommodation
We do this by:
- Empowering the Clients to determine their own support plan
- Offer/refer for finance management and budgeting advice
- Helping people with social skills, such as motivational support
- Preventing social isolation through staff support
- Assisting people to access a range of local services
- Helping with opening a bank account
- Also using assess-based approach which will:
- Enhance health, wellbeing and resilience
- Reduce long-term pressures on health, care and support services
- Enable clients to participate in and benefit from community resources and
We measure the effectiveness of this by:
- Completing Client’s survey annually and their support plan every 3 - 6 months
- Encouraging Clients to start planning for their move on after being with us for 6 months
- Completing this process within 24 months
- These time scales however, are determined by the Client and are outcome focused