
We at Chatfield Housing offers the following services :

People who are homeless and leaving hospital

  • Rough sleepers
  • Those who are vulnerable for  other reasons
  • People with mild Mental Health
  • We also assist with Moving on Support by working in partnership with other agencies


Our floating Support Workers  carry out both telephone and face to face assessments to decide what support our clients need. Types of help include:


  • Advising and assisting with different housing options
  • Managing money, claiming benefits and sorting out debts, including rent arrears, registering with a local GP, or getting help from other services
  • Putting people in touch with education, training or work opportunities (ETE)
  • Putting people in touch with cultural and community groups.
  • Helping people to stay and live independently

Many older people want to lead an independent life in a home of their own. We at Chatfield Housing encourages our Client’s independence within a secure and friendly environment.  The  Managers along with Support Staff are the main source of support and would enable all Clients to be as independent as possible, whilst offering person centred care. Clients, whilst supported, are not restricted and can come and go as they please as they have their own keys to their home.


We house clients aged 25 – 65, as we feel that our services can meet the needs within this group. Chatfield Housing welcome applications from all and shows equality, regardless of the client’s ethnicity, religion, sexuality or disability. Clients are involved throughout the assessment process which aims to ensure that they gain the maximum priority to which they are entitled as this is their right and our responsibility.


At Chatfield Housing we encourage clients in a person-centred way and believe that they should be able to live in the home of their choice. Clients are supported in an effective way to ensure they enjoy the same freedom, opportunities and everyday pleasures that most people take for granted.  Accommodation facilities are clean, warm and secure, fully furnished and maintained to a high standard providing a comfortable home environment. We provide a team of support workers who help clients through periodic visits in their endeavours to live independently and full assistance is given in their health and social wellbeing.

We will give advice and support on:


  • Benefits
  • Local services
  • Health and safety
  • Tenancy matters.
  • Help in managing finances and benefit claims
  • Supervising or monitoring medication
  • Emotional support, counselling and advice
  • Register with local GP and Dentist 
  • Help to access benefits
  • Help with budgeting
  • Help finding and accessing other services e.g. health or home care services
  • Help to access local activities
  • Support to maintain a tenancy
  • Help to access education, training or work (ETE)
  • Life skills training like learning to cook
  • Helping people to feel safe and secure in their home
  • Support to move on to more independent living

The aim and objective of Chatfield Housing is to  maintain independent living for vulnerable people in the community by providing a better range of quality support services based on local needs, in order to assist them to integrate them back into the community. To introduce a rigorous quality and monitoring review process, whilst liaising with other multi-agencies for partnership working thus ensuring a consistent and relevant approach to the commissioning of services, which will enable a more beneficial and joined up approach, so that we can continually improve the quality of the service that we offer.


Assessment & Support Planning


All clients receive an assessment of their support needs and any associated risks on entering our project. All clients have an up-to-date support and risk management plan based on the outcomes star assessment.  Assessment and support planning procedures place clients’ views at the centre and is managed by skilled staff and involve other professional as appropriate.


  • Support planning is typically started when the service is being offered or very shortly after. Our assessments use SMART objectives, (that is they are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time Bound.
  • These are reviewed on a regular 6 monthly basis, unless the clients’ circumstances change which would mean that a review would be done sooner.
  • Our plans take full account of the client’s views and preferences
  • Staff who carries out the plan are supervised in their training by a Senior Support Manager with experience in delivering a high quality of service to the client group.


Security, Health & Safety


  • We have a health & Safety policy  in accordance with current legislation.
  • The service has a co-ordinated approach to assessing and managing security, health and safety risks that potentially affect all clients, staff and the wider community. We always flag up when assessments are to be reviewed and  systems are in place for reporting all maintenance and repair issues.  All our properties are inspected once a week by the Support Team who also meets weekly to discuss work progress and any maintenance issues that they come across., which will then be logged with the maintenance team.
  • There are appropriate arrangements in place to enable clients to access help in any crisis or emergency. We also have a 24 hour  support service in place and a 24-hr maintenance team on standby to help with any eventualities.


Safeguarding & Protection from Abuse


  • We have a commitment to safeguarding our vulnerable adults and work with those visiting the service and in partnership with external agencies and the surrounding community to help to protect our clients and the neighbourhood.
  • We have policies and procedures in place for protecting our adults and children in accordance with current legislation.
  • Our staff are aware of these policies and procedures for protecting our adult clients and children and follows them whilst at work. They have also been trained in safeguarding.
  • Staff understand their professional boundaries and reflect this in practice.
  • Clients understands the different forms of abuse (this is also captured in their handbook). They are also aware of how to report concerns. All our clients know that they can report abuse to their SW/Senior Management through the use of email or to their local safeguarding team.
  • We are committed to participating in a multi-agency approach to safeguarding vulnerable adults and children


Fair access, Diversity & Inclusion


  • Fair access, fair exit, diversity and inclusion is embedded within the culture of the service and there is demonstratable promotion of the policies. We only take referrals from both boroughs through our agreed referral system. This means that each potential client is logged automatically with a time stamp and each client is contacted in turn by strict order.
  • We have an assessment and allocations process that have been reviewed in the last  year and ensure fair access to the service.
  • There is a commitment to fair exit from the service by the use of move on accommodation.  
  • We work with lettings agencies who provide us with move on accommodation, specifically sourced for those clients new to independent accommodation. There are many circumstances where a service may be terminated, and the client would not wish the service to close.
  • Chatfield Housing ensures that all decisions are in accordance with the law and is transparent with a chance for the client to appeal against such decisions which plays a vital role in our decision-making process. 


As a Provider, Chatfield  demonstrates that we are truly involving our clients as this is our commitment. We therefore ensure that client involvement is considered across the entire service and throughout the client’s experience of it.   They will have a major influence over how the service is managed and run and demonstrate real and significant involvement. We have implemented the 'You Said, We Did' way of working across our organisation, which  involves  Clients' in decision making within budgetary constraints. 


Our clients  gets a chance to learn new skills by joining our volunteer scheme once they are eligible and meets the requiement through our applicaion system that is in place. Data protection and confidentiality are major challenges to overcome in providing this service and we have learnt over time that client involvement at this level does not come without potential pitfalls.


If you require information which is not shown, or have difficulty downloading a document then please contact  our office on 020 8834 4704.


Support objectives


  • To promote Clients dignity, privacy and independence through adapting care services to suit their needs, particularly the religious and cultural needs of ethnic minority groups
  • Ensure staffs are adequately trained to meet the needs of the Clients according to practices and the regulatory standards
  • Carry out client’s satisfaction surveys every quarter and use the feedback to inprove care planning and delivery
  • Organise weekly meetings where staff to review all aspects of support and report to the manager
  • Ensure at all times that clients have access to information pertaining to their care
  • Regularly review care plans with clients to improve service delivery


Therapeutic Activities


Chatfield Housing has a policy of promoting the maintenance of the Client’s normal social network and social activities. The Client’s Support Plan includes a facility for recording life history, social networks and contacts, and preferences for activities and hobbies in order that the Client is offered access to those networks and activities which are appropriate and desired.