Chatfield Housing accepts referrals for Adults with support needs between the age of 25 - 65 years and ONLY accept referrals from the 'Homeless Services' in both Lambeth and Croydon Councils
We Do Not Accept Referrals for clients with Poor Mobility, who has Care Needs or self-referrals.
Chatfield Housing offers support to clients with a broad range of support needs which includes:
Abuse sufferers
Recovering Addicts
Mild Mental illness
Learning Difficulties
At the assessment clients will be asked to provide the following:
Proof of identity
National Insurance number
Proof of Income
Evidence of leave to remain in the UK (if applicable)
Bank statements
Please also ensure that the client is eligible for UK benefits and they can provide proof that a claim has been made, has been awarded or being processed. Attention must be given to the client’s support needs section as you or the client will be required to supply additional evidence (e.g. medical
conditions/diagnoses, criminal convictions, victim support/DV etc.,) for our records. If necessary, you will need to obtain the person’s written consent to share such data with us under the DPA/GDPR protocols.
Wherever practicable, we will expect to see the applicant’s own description of the support they seek and an indication of their willingness to engage in the project. The information provided will form the basis of a bespoke support plan. Once we accept the application, you (the referrer) will be required to submit a copy of the completed referral form to our local authority for authentication.
The Referral Process
Clients from European Economic Area (EEA) who are not eligible for Housing Benefit (HB) will not be eligible for our supported housing schemes, so unfortunately, we cannot accept these referrals.
Client Criteria
Clients must have support needs in order to be accepted. Referrals without Support Needs will not be processed.
The assessment is a 3-stage process:
Stage 1. Telephone interview to assess suitability for our projects
Stage 2. Risk & Needs Review by a Senior Support Officer
Stage 3. Meeting with Chatfield Housing for assessment and viewing of vacancy.
At Stage 3 the client will be asked to provide:
Proof of identity
National Insurance number
Proof of Income
bank statements
Once the client has met the criteria and accepted, we will then provide Tenancy Related Support for up to one year after which a review will be done. if the client continues to meet all criteria and pays rent on time, a further 1 year license will be issued. During this time the client needs to be activiely seeking alternative move on accommodation. The client will be encouraged to save at the local Credit Union to cover their move on cost at the end of their tenancy. Chatfield Housing will only provide signpost support for the clients' move on to independent accommodation, as financial support is not given.
Fair Access
Our aim is to call the clients within 2 working days of agencies making a referral.
We will give priority to:
Clients with a disability Benefit ESA or PIP
Clients with a Local Connection
Councils and organisationson who are on our Referral Framework
There is no guarantee that clients will be offered Chatfield’s Supported Accommodation.
However, if you are on our Referral Portal then the client is more likely to be offered housing when a room becomes available.
Utilities/Rent Payment
All Clients on entering our housing is expected to pay £15.00 per week for rent/utilities payments. This MUST BE set up as a 'Direct Debit'. All Clients MUST ensure that this is done within the first week of moving in as if not paid this is deemed as anti-social behaviour and processes will be followed which can lead to an eviction.
Our Client utilities Account Bank Details:
Chatfield Housing bank details will be given to the client once they have moved in so that they can set up via their bank monthly/weekly payments.
Moving on Assistance
Chatfield will provide £30 to assist clients with their moving on, once they are ready to move out of a project and ALL MOVE ON PAPERWORK is completed, including a TESTIMONIAL.
If Clients are not prepared to complete paperwork and testimonial this will NOT be issued.
General Data Protection Regulation
Clients and Referral agents can see how Chatfield Housing will use and protect their data by viewing the Data Protection Policy , a request can be obtain by emailing us at