Chatfield Housing provides supported accommodation to men and women who are single and homeless between the ages of 25-65 years.
We offer Tenancy Related Support to all Clients.
All Clients of Chatfield Housing are referred to us by Croydon and Lambeth Council with LOW to MEDIUM support needs.
Their risk factors could be:
What Type of Support do Chatfield Housing provide?
Chatfield Housing provides tenancy related support (assistance in supporting you to sustain your tenancy). Our aim is to help people to live independently in their homes. The level of support will vary from twice a week floating visits, to projects which is 24 hours staffed, with concierge overnight staff.
Meetings are held at least once a month and will mostly last for 1 hour where problems are discussed and the clients are encouraged to develop solutions for themselves in their shared community homes as a group with the more capable clients assisting or peer mentoring the less able.
Clients are encouraged to be involved in all aspects of their support and is encouraged to get back into Education, Training and Employment (ETE ) enable them to rejoin the work force and gain opportunities for employment. This also encourages clients who are new to the home to settle into specific job role that will enable each shared home to operate as an independent community. Clients are also encouraged to play a role within thier homes, usually as House Representatives and this would lead to allowances to be made towards thier rent/utility payments,
Examples of these could be:
We always provide Tenancy Related Support:
Chatfield Housing will also provide:
Support Planning
Support Planning is a vital part of our initial assessment which is sent to us from a suitable agency. The Needs and Risk sent to us by referral agencies is combined with our own Risk and Needs Assessment to form the integral monitoring of the progress of our clients.
A Support Plan Example
Support might also include:
How would I get Supported Accommodation?
We work in collaboration with both Lambeth and Croydon Councils. You would need to contact both council's 'Homeless Team' for a referral to our services.
What happens when I get a job?
You MAY still be entitled to have your rent paid by housing benefit for 28 days after you start work, but you need to let us know immediately once you have obtained a job. However if you are working for 16 hours or less, the council will continue to pay your rent, BUT YOU MUST LET THE SUPPORT STAFF know that you have atarted working.
Your tenancy will be evaluated after 6 months into the license and you will then be supported by Support Staff to start exploring you moving into a more independant accommodation that maybe closer to your job. Of course, this process is flexible and will always be driven by your needs and goals
What happens when you leave the project?
We will always offer support after you leave, but via phone call and only up to 2 weeks after you leave our service.